MIBOSCOC provides training for local planning body (LPB) members and agency staff across the CoC via the TalentLMS and Niche Academy training sites.
TalentLMS is our own site where we have MIBOSCOC specific training tracts designed for those working in coordinated entry access points, with people who are literally homeless, in shelters, on by-name-list committees, and in rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing projects. There is an expectation for anyone working in a MIBOSCOC project to complete all of the training outlined below for the program or service in which they are working.
The MIBOSCOC TalentMS training site can be accessed HERE.
To create a new account click "Sign Up".
Once you enter the site:
The Niche Academy training site can be accessed as follows (Directions can be
printed here Instructions):
There are two parts the available training:
TalentLMS is our own site where we have MIBOSCOC specific training tracts designed for those working in coordinated entry access points, with people who are literally homeless, in shelters, on by-name-list committees, and in rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing projects. There is an expectation for anyone working in a MIBOSCOC project to complete all of the training outlined below for the program or service in which they are working.
The MIBOSCOC TalentMS training site can be accessed HERE.
To create a new account click "Sign Up".
Once you enter the site:
- Click on the Course Catalog on the right side of the screen
- Click on the Category of training you wish to complete (NOTE: You must complete all the the #100: Core Learning Path prior to any program specific courses.)
- Courses for that Category will be listed on the left. Click "Get this Course"
- Click the back arrow to get to your list of each course that has been added to your Learning Pathway
- To add new Pathways go to Course Catalog and follow the same directions as above for each Pathway
The Niche Academy training site can be accessed as follows (Directions can be
printed here Instructions):
There are two parts the available training:
- Live Webinars
- Recorded Videos
- Sign up using this link: https://bit.ly/MonthlyWebinarSignup
- For “Your Organization”, use MiBOSCOC
- For “If your organization’s membership is through a regional or statewide association, please list that here”, answer YES
- You will then receive emails whenever a Live webinar is available. MISS ONE? It will be available in the Recorded Videos within 3-5 days
- The MIBOSCOC membership is limited by number of emails, so, if possible, please identify one login email address and password for your agency that can be used by all of your staff and volunteers Follow this link: Michigan Balance of State Continuum of Care Academy (nicheacademy.com) to create your login and access the recorded videos
- When you first create the account, we get an email asking if we will allow you to access the site. It may take a day or so for your access to be approved on our end. We’ll do our best to monitor the access requests regularly and will look to see if there’s already another email being used by your agency and may ask you to use that one instead of approving new ones. We will be deleting any email logins that are not being used for 6 months or longer.
- Once in, you and your staff may watch as many of the videos you’d like as often as you’d like
- We do highly suggest that you look for the video titled “Non-profit’s guide to homelessness (Core Training) first (the picture is the only one that’s black and white)
- There’s a quiz at the end of the Core Training that we are not requiring, so only do it if it’s helpful to you.