HUD Match Technical Assistance
- Recorded Webinar 6/3/19 (1 hour, 13 minutes)
- PowerPoint PDF
- CSBG Funding - Match Clarification
Match Resources
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template Click here
- This is the MOU that is recommended for all in-kind match from Community Mental Health providers (CMH's) or other health services. If you must adjust more than the names and dates in it, be very careful not to alter any meanings. The wording is specific to fit all criteria. If you have an existing MOU signed, then you can use the version with the word "addendum" in the title. You should add this information to your current MOUs in case you are monitored.
- This is the MOU that is recommended for all in-kind match from Community Mental Health providers (CMH's) or other health services. If you must adjust more than the names and dates in it, be very careful not to alter any meanings. The wording is specific to fit all criteria. If you have an existing MOU signed, then you can use the version with the word "addendum" in the title. You should add this information to your current MOUs in case you are monitored.
- In Kind Match Request Form Click here
- Use this form to track match quarterly (at minimum). You may use a different format, but do not include less information than is on this form.
- HUD Exchange Virtual Binder Click here
- Please visit, bookmark, and regularly review the match information within the HUD virtual binder. Please pay especially close attention to the in-kind match requirements and documentation.
Discussion Guide to Accompany the MIBOSCOC Training Site Click here
- Use this discussion guide to accompany the MIBOSCOC PSH trainings located on the training page of this website. Discuss these questions and topics with your teams after watching the training. Refer back to them as needed when reinforcing the fundamentals of PSH and Housing Based Case Management.