The Michigan Balance of State Continuum of Care (MIBOSCOC) conducts most of its Work through committees, some are organized around a goal (improving system performance), some around special population groups (youth), and some around geographic area (Local Planning Bodies/LPBs). Each of these committees strengthens the work of the whole, ensuring that homelessness will be rare, brief, and non-recurring for many more people.
All decisions for the Work of MIBOSCOC is led by collaborative decisions made through consensus which allows for a culture of all membership holding the responsibility of working to alleviate the concerns of other members. It allows for a unique culture that respects and applauds diversity of thought and experience, an understanding of equitable power, and innovative ideas. Below is a list of the standing committees of MIBOSCOC.
When do the Committees meet?
Click Here for a calendar that is updated with our next meetings and links to join!
All decisions for the Work of MIBOSCOC is led by collaborative decisions made through consensus which allows for a culture of all membership holding the responsibility of working to alleviate the concerns of other members. It allows for a unique culture that respects and applauds diversity of thought and experience, an understanding of equitable power, and innovative ideas. Below is a list of the standing committees of MIBOSCOC.
When do the Committees meet?
Click Here for a calendar that is updated with our next meetings and links to join!
Executive Committee |
Responsible for managing the day-to-day work of the MIBOSCOC such as work that involves funding recommendations, the annual CoC Consolidated Application, MIBOSCOC staff oversight, or the development of new policies or products. Any action taken by the Executive Committee requires final approval by the Governance Council. The Executive Committee does not make final MIBOSCOC-level decisions during their meetings, but provides recommendations to the Governance Council when appropriate, where action may be taken. The Executive Committee has the responsibility to make spending and contracting decisions for the MIBOSCOC and to maintain the documentation for contracted services. |
Governance Council Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the immediate Past Chair who are elected from the Governance Council membership. |
Governance Council |
Lead decision-making body and board responsible for planning for the use of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HEARTH CoC resources and coordinating these funds with other relevant resources in the jurisdiction. |
Open to anyone, but consensus decisions are made by: One county level representative of each of the 61 counties; Reps from state level orgs: MCAH, MSHDA, MDHHS, MDE, Tribal Nations; homeless or formally homeless individuals, YAB Members; encourage special populations |
Coordinated Entry
Responsible to evaluate, update, and recommend training for the MIBOSCOC Coordinated Entry Policy and the Local Planning Body procedures. This committee also is home to the HARA Subcommittee, Shelter Subcommittee, and Permanent Supportive Housing Workgroup. |
Anyone may join, but HARAs and Shelter are highly encouraged to attend. |
Performance and Outcomes |
Responsible for developing and implementing plans for the monitoring and improvement of State and Federal system performance measures for the MIBOSCOC homeless system with a special eye on identifying racial inequities. Committee members must complete all assigned training designated for the committee. The MIBOSCOC Performance and Outcomes Committee, with assistance from CoC staff, will take primary responsibility for fulfilling HUD’s CoC Program requirements related to monitoring and evaluating system performance measures. In this role, the MIBOSCOC Performance and Outcomes Committee will: o Establish or confirm performance targets for, at minimum, CoC and ESG funded projects o Monitor system-level performance of the full MIBOSCOC o Evaluate MIBOSCOC outcomes, including CoC Program and ESG funded projects o Assist MIBOSCOC and Local Planning Bodies with Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) initiatives to improve performance. |
Anyone may join, but both program managers and HMIS administrators are encouraged to attend. |
Strategic Quality Improvement (SQI) |
The Strategic Quality Improvement (SQI) Committee focuses on specific areas of quality improvement within the MIBOSCOC to ensure that processes to end homelessness are the most effective at solving homelessness across the CoC. Innovative strategies will be pursued by this committee and judged by their outcomes; with the goals of making homelessness rare, brief, and one time. This committee is also tasked with ensuring the CoC has a full and engaged membership and is responsible for the election process to elect Executive members annually. The Committee provides information to new members that will orient them to the Governance Council and its role within the MIBOSCOC, including the Governance Charter, current Governance Council roster, and membership benefits and responsibilities. |
Anyone may join |
Funding |
Responsible for the development of the annual HUD CoC Program local application and scorecards, as well as the project application evaluation process that is used to evaluate, score, and rank CoC projects (renewal, new, and bonus as directed by the Governance Council). The Committee ranks projects and provides funding recommendations for projects included in the annual CoC consolidated application. Additionally, this committee provides assistance and guidance in the ESG funding process to improve Local Planning Body decision-making |
Anyone may join, except committee members must not be applicants for the funding. Annually, members must complete the online training available related to the funding process. |
Vulnerable Populations:
Responsible for the development and oversight of strategies and implementation of best practices to most effectively reach and house highly vulnerable homeless populations within the MIBOSCOC, particularly as defined by HUD. Current subcommittees have been created around coordinating with other population specific federal funding to end homelessness and include Veterans, youth, and survivors of domestic violence or human trafficking. Other populations may have subcommittees created as they are identified and prioritized by the Governance Council. |
Open to anyone, but these subcommittees for Youth, Veterans, and Domestic Violence are meant to be the places where services in each of those areas can improve programming throughout BOS CoC, so entities serving each of these sub-sets are encouraged to attend. |
Homeless Expertise Leading Programming (HELP) |
Responsible for providing insight into specific MIBOSCOC policies, practices, and funding priorities from the member’s perspectives and expertise. Committee members are encouraged to participate in other MIBOSCOC committees, and this committee will review projects undertaken by other committees. |
Committee members must have experienced homelessness, in a manner that they feel they can share what either helped or hindered their ability to secure permanent housing. Committee members not employed by an agency that pays for their work on the committee are eligible for payment by MIBOSCOC. Members serve at will and may take breaks from committee service as necessary but are encouraged to communicate these needs with CoC Staff. |
Youth Action Board (YAB) |
Responsible for leading efforts to end youth homelessness by providing insight and guidance to the MIBOSCOC’s efforts related to youth and young adults. |
YAB members must be under 25 years of age to join and up to 27 years once members and have experienced homelessness or been at risk of homelessness within a MIBOSCOC or rural county or sought services through a MIBOSCOC service agency to end their homelessness or housing instability. |
Local Planning Bodies (LPB) |
LPBs are the lead local workgroups responsible for managing community planning, coordination and evaluation to ensure that the system of homeless services and housing resources makes homelessness rare, brief, and one time. |
Anyone interested in being part of the work to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time in an LPB's area are welcome. |